Comecei a ter contato com a fotografia nos anos 70, quando fiz um curso na Escola de Artes Visuais do Parque Lage. 
Na época, usava filmes e revelava e ampliava minhas próprias fotos. Cheguei a ter um laboratório Preto e Branco em minha casa. Ainda era um experimento. 
Mais tarde, a vida acabou me arrastando para a área de Tecnologia da Informação e a fotografia acabou se tornando um hobby. Fotografava a família e viagens apenas. Mas sempre fotografando. 
Em 2019, resolvi voltar a fotografia com maior envolvimento e comprometimento. Voltei as fotos em Preto e Branco e comecei a compartilhar meu trabalho e a participar de concursos e exposições. 
Redescobri o P&B, a luz e as sombras que trazem ao meu trabalho maior grafismo e por conta disso acabei me encontrando com a possibilidade do abstrato, que atualmente me dá muito prazer. 
Com esse olhar mais voltado para o grafismo, acabei me encontrando com a cor, que trouxe novos elementos ao meu trabalho e que tenho arriscado cada vez mais. 
A possibilidade do grafismo usando luzes, sombras e às vezes as cores, neste momento, é o que mais me interessa e me atrai.
I started to have contact with photography in the 70s, when I took a course at the School of Visual Arts of Parque Lage.

At that time, I used films and developed and enlarged my own photos. I even had a Black and White laboratory in my home. It was still an experiment.
Later, life ended up dragging me to the area of ​​Information Technology and photography ended up becoming a hobby. I photographed the family and travels only. But always photographing.
In 2019, I decided to return to photography with greater involvement and commitment. I returned to the photos in black and white and started sharing my work and participating in contests and exhibitions.
I rediscovered the B&W, the light and the shadows that bring greater graphics to my work and because of that I ended up finding myself with the possibility of the abstract, which currently gives me a lot of pleasure.
With this look more focused on graphics, I ended up meeting color, which brought new elements to my work and which I have risked more and more.
The possibility of graphics using lights, shadows and sometimes colors, at this moment, is what interests me most and attracts me.

Photo selected for the LensCulture Contest Gallery Art Photography Awards in 2019. 
Participation in the Photography Collective Exhibition Arte Plural - 5th edition, at Icon Artes Galeria in Fábrica Bhering.
Honourable Mention at the Budapest International Foto Awards 2020
Participation in the Photography Collective Exhibition "Outros Carnavais" from Segundo Olhar project.
Honorable Mention at the Worldwilde Photography Gala Awards - 16th Pollux Awards Single Abstract Category
Photo selected by the editors of the Critics' Choice 2021 Competition Gallery.
Participation in the Photography Collective Virtual Exhibition 'CODED ICONIC' at Holy-Art Gallery, London in November 2021
Honorable Mention at the London Photography Awards 2022 - Single Black and White Photography - Fine Art Category
Participation in the Art Collective Exhibition Modernistas at Casa dos Contos, Ouro Preto - MG in April, 2022
Gold Winner at the London Photography Awards 2023 - Black and White Photography - Fine Art Category

Participation in the book DEZ OLHARES that brings together publications by 10 photographers participating in a mentorship carried out by FotoWeb Academy, coordinated by Roberto Cecato

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